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10 mars 2010 3 10 /03 /mars /2010 13:12

This is one of the big thank you moments. It comes later than the French article published already in December by Olivier. But believe me it is as much meant now in English.


We would like to extend our gratitude to:


- all the ones who helped us to make this trip possible, with their finance and also all other  support provided.

- all the friends and nice people we met on the road. We particularly remember the ones who helped us with information or advices about places to go, people to meet and where to listen to music. Following their advices we slightly modified our itinerary, and we are very happy we did it !

- all the readers of this blog who followed our journey (either continously or from time to time), who participated with their comments and interest. In this way you encouraged us to maintain the work rythm and update the blog regularly (we confess that making a blog is an awfull lot of effort).

- Last, but not least we of course like to thank : the MUSICIANS. Almost all of them agreeds for us to record their music freely, it is thanks to the musicians that we have all this recording  material now, enabling us to make a nice CD !

But we certainly do not forget all those who helped us meet the musicians, their help was very valuable and even essential.

Harriette and Olivier


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<br /> Hola merci for the thank you letter, we were very pleased to hear from you guys all the best.<br /> <br /> mama<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> It was a great pleasure following you on the voyage and imagining ourselves the experience you made with people in the various areas.<br /> <br /> Thanks for you effort!!<br /> <br /> <br />